Mission and Vision Statement
- Monthly Newsletter
- Bullying Policy
- Oley Valley SD YouTube Channel
- School Board Meeting Notices
- OVSD Digital Newsletters
- Lynx Athletics Website
- Oley Valley Music Website
- OVCEF: OV Community Education Foundation
- OV Career Exploration and Course Planning Pathways
- OVSD Online Payments - My School Bucks
- 2023-2024 School Meals Application
- ACP - Affordable Connectivity Program for Internet Access
- Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Student Accident Insurance Brochure 24-25
- Student Accident Insurance Enrollment 24-25
- Safe2Say Presentations
- 988 Suicide Prevention Fact Sheet
- Oley Valley Alumni
- OVHS Absence Excuse Form
- MS/HS Health Forms
- HS Course Catalog 2023-24
- School Performance Profile - Future Ready PA
Revised: Important Change in Definition of “Compulsory School Age”
Effective in 2020-2021, all children from the age of six (6) through the age of eighteen (18) must comply with compulsory school attendance requirements. To meet these requirements, parents must ensure that their child between the ages of 6 and 18 is attending or participating in one of the following: a public elementary, middle, or high school; a public charter or cyber-charter school; a private licensed academic or private religious school; home tutoring by a certified teacher; or an approved program of home schooling. Children may be excused from compulsory attendance for documented medical or other compelling reasons as outlined in District attendance policy and procedures.
Health Services/Nursing Reminder
12 days ago
Health Services/Nursing Reminder
Physical exams, dental exams, and updated immunizations will be due by the first day of the current school year.
- Physical exam forms are needed for Kindergarten, Grade 6, and Grade 11 students. We will take whatever form your provider completes, or families may use the State Heath form.
- Proof of Dental exam are needed for Kindergarten, Grade 3, and Grade 7.
- All students need up-to-date immunizations OR a plan to have them completed, (i.e. a confirmed appointment) by the FIRST day of school.
- This especially affects Kindergarten, Grade 7, and Grade 12students who are due for specific immunizations when entering these grades. Failure to complete the State required immunizations will exclude students from attending school.
The Immunization Law in Pennsylvania requires that all students have required immunizations by the first day of school. To view these requirements, visit the following link: Pennsylvania Department of Health website.
Any student who needs a medication or nursing procedure during the school day or at school activities must have new orders from their health care provider for each school year.
For Physical Exam document please visit the following link : Physical Examination Documents
For Dental Exam document please visit the following link : Dental Examination Documents
important Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Policy Change
Families and staff- please access the links below to review the PDE special education policy change dated 8.31.23
In addition, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mia Pietsch @
**(610) 987.4100 ext. 1187/1188 **or email mpietsch@ovsdpa.org.
**Important Links: **
** **https://www.education.pa.gov/K-12/Special%20Education/IDEA/Pages/default.aspx
IDEA-B Policies and Procedure (Revised August 31, 2023)** **
United States Citizenship and Immigration
In accordance with the Public School Code of 1949; Section 1605.1, the Oley Valley School District supports the Department of Homeland Security, Department of United States Citizenship and Immigration. Below are several links to assist immigrants in the process of applying to become U.S. Citizens, preparing for the Naturalization Test, and the Citizenship Resource Center.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Website: https://www.uscis.gov/
United States Citizenship Naturalization Test Information: https://www.uscis.gov/us-citizenship/naturalization-test
Citizenship Resource Center Website: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship
In addition, the Oley Valley School District supports the role of educators in assisting immigrants prepare for U.S. Citizenship. Below is a link for Educators regarding the naturalization process, the test, and other classroom-based materials. https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/educators
Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive planning is a Pennsylvania Department of Education requirement that affords school districts an opportunity to determine priorities and establish goals and related action plans for a three-year period. Oley’s 2023-26 comprehensive plan was submitted for public review. During that time input was sought from all district stakeholders.
Additionally, The Pennsylvania Department of Education outlines in Chapter 4 the Planning Requirements for the Comprehensive Plan, Gifted Education Plan Assurances, Professional Education Plan, and Induction Plan. These plans were also be made available for public inspection and comments.
Please see the Comprehensive Plan, and other plans below.